Font is one of asset to work. You can install font with Font Manager one by one (you can find it in AUR). Click the fonts > Install Font.

But, if you have 300 fonts you have downloaded in a folder, do you still install it one by one? I hope you don’t do that.
Let me show you how to install all of your fonts in less a minute using the terminal command.
Create a Directory
First, make a Truetype folder for the font file with .ttf extension — the Opentype folder for the font file with .otf extension.
sudo mkdir /usr/share/fonts/truetype
sudo mkdir /usr/share/fonts/opentype

Copy Fonts to Directory
Next, copy all the font to the directory.
Important : Make sure all your downloaded fonts in one root folder, no subfolder.
sudo cp /path/to/fonts/*.ttf /usr/share/fonts/truetype
sudo cp /path/to/fonts/*.otf /usr/share/fonts/opentype

Refresh font cache
To refresh the font cache of the directory, type this command. The font should display in your system.
sudo fc-cache -fv

That is a fast way to install font less in a minute in Linux. Enjoy your new font that available on the system!