Conky on Desktop

How to Install and Setup Conky on Manjaro

Conky is a free system monitor that available on Linux. It can represent RAM Usage, Disk Usage, and Network Speed in that one in the Linux Desktop. There are many Conky themes out there that You can try and customize your own…

Plank on Manjaro

How to Install Plank on Manjaro

In this tutorial, I will show you how to install Plank on Manjaro 18.1.5 before it should begin in installation. This is a few about Plank. What is Plank? Plank is a simple dock application contain shortcuts of the apps. Similar apps…

How to Create Adventure Game Title in Inkscape

Hello Everyone, in this tutorial, we will create a game logo design with modified text as the main element in Inkscape by using The gradient tool, Path effects, and the Union makes an attractive pop look with the extrude effect. What you…

How to Install Fonts in Linux

Font is one of asset to work. You can install font with Font Manager one by one (you can find it in AUR). Click the fonts > Install Font. Font Manager But, if you have 300 fonts you have downloaded in a folder, do you…

How to Color Match in GIMP

Many people have struggled when do compositing from a different layer in GIMP. In this tutorial, we are going to use the fastest method how you can match the color in GIMP by adjusting some layer modes and create some fill colors…

Top things after install Manjaro

Important things to do After Install Manjaro

After installing Manjaro, there are a few steps to make Manjaro run smoothly. Let’s begin with an internet connection turned on. Find the fastest mirror Open terminal application and type the command. The function of this command will refresh the whole mirror…

How to Dual Boot Manjaro with Windows 10

This tutorial is for pc with preinstalled Windows 10 using EFI A few steps will be taken to ensure success in dual boot : Check Partition Style of Disk : GPT or MBR? To check it, click the windows button and type…

My Manjaro Desktop

Manjaro Look and Feel

Manjaro Wallpaper I’m using Linux for almost three years now. The first time using Ubuntu, then going to Manjaro. Until I wrote this post, it’s Manjaro, the most popular distro based on Arch Linux. Why Manjaro? In Manjaro, all packages that do…